Martina Claussen

Martina Claussen is a vocal artist, composer and performer.

She studied voice, vocal pedagogy, computer music and electronic media at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and Composition at the Bruckner University Linz. The focal point of her work lies in the interaction of her own voice, which is also the main sound source of her electroacoustic compositions and live electronics. Coming from a background of classical vocal performance (performing at the Volksoper, the Musikverein and Konzerthaus in Vienna amongst others), she has spent the last ten years expanding her artistic practice into electronic music composition and performance. She explores the space and the performative action and has over the years steadily developed her own distinctive style of music.

Her compositions have been played, alongside her live performances, at international festivals such as: Ars Electronica 2017-2019 Festival Futura 2015, 2017 and 2019(Crest, Frankreich) BIMESP XI Bienal Internacional de Música Electroacústica 2016 (Sao Paulo,Brasilien) Wien Modern 2017 and 2018 Iklektik - London 2018 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2016-2019

Martina recently received the Publicity Award 2020 of the SKE - Austro Mechana.

August 2020 sees Martina release her first full long player on Forwind. A culmination of years of study and practise it’s a brilliantly executed work that attests to the time spent steadily developing her own distinctive and dynamic style of music. Martina works at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where she has held the position of Associate Professor of Voice since 2009.


Martina Claussen


Vienna, Austria


2000 - 2025

Releases on Forwind Verwoben - FWD29

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